Shaman, Psychic, Healer
Services with Kaye
Healing Sessions
Services with Kaye
"It is my heartfelt desire to assist you on your journey to experiencing the greatest Joy of Being You."
Intuitive Readings are a question and answer dialogue to assist you in your healing process. Your questions may include any area of your life on core issues or concerns.
Some examples may be:
• Relationship concerns
• Career guidance
• Past life karma
• Health concerns
• Communications from loved ones in spirit
The guidance shared is through a connection to your own wisdom from your higher self and guides. It can empower energy shifts and strengthen your own connection to your spirit helpers.
In-person or over the phone.
30 minute Sessions - $75
60 minute Sessions - $150
Begins with an Intuitive Reading, addressing your questions and concerns. Loved ones in spirit may also have messages for you. Your chakras / energy field are scanned and guidance will be given regarding the results.
The Healing Ceremony follows; releasing blockages in your energy body that no longer serve you, from this present life or a past life.
Energies released include:
• Imbalances from past traumas
• Soul retrieval
• Self-sabotaging beliefs
• Entity attachments
• Old karmic patterns
• Depression and/or Anxiety
• Energy blockages experienced as a variety of physical maladies
These sessions are as effective whether in-person or done as a distant healing session.
In-person or over the phone.
2 Hour Healing Session with reading- $225
Healing session with no reading included $150
"Spirit Feng Shui"is a healing ceremony to cleanse an environment, such as a home, office, or land. Spirits that failed to move into the light at their parting, or any negative energy of discord left residing within an environment, can have an adverse effect on the environment and the people within it.
The effects of these energies may include:
recurring health problems, feelings of intense unease, relationship difficulties, or an overall loss of vitality. The ceremony deals with releasing these energies bringing harmony and balance back into the space. These sessions are as effective whether in-person or done as a distant space clearing.
$100 per hour up to two hours
This unique purification week-long retreat is a blend between two ancient, sister sciences -- Ayurveda and Shakti Healing.
Ayurveda is a profound ancient holistic system of self-healing originating from India 5000 years ago. It recommends purifying oneself of deeply seated toxins, once or twice annually. Specific daily treatments are designed for each individual unique constitution and needs. Purification promotes proper cell function, strengthens the immune system and builds self-esteem. Guided by Isvari (Mary Ann) Johnson, a graduate of the Ayurvedic Institute of Albuquerque.
Shakti Healing in the ancient Shamanic Tradition begins with an intuitive reading followed by a healing session. This assists in opening the vital chakras which provides new potentials for healing on all levels of being. Offered by Kaye Cassidy.